
Wednesday, December 7, 2011


This year is the first year that the yr 5's to yr 8's were finial working on Net books and not in books.

For the first time every we have been taking our Net books home and it has been really, really different in Room 22 because one of the other things that I do like about Net books is that we can type instead of writing it on paper, making mistakes we can fix them by using the dictionary to help us look up stuff to help us solve our work.

`The things that I don't like about Net books is that our Net books take hours to log in to, but with paper and pencil we can just take them out of our desk and start working this is why I have are problem with Net books. When our Net books are at home our Internet take longer to connect at same of our house's'.

Net Books are really fun to have and I can not wait when we go to collage.

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